Bolan-Beaty Boogie’s Afterlife Interview with Jimi Hendrix


Marc: Hey Diane…I’d like you to meet Jimi. He was a major influence to me as Marc.

Diane: Welcome Jimi to our humble abode here. (Jimi is sitting on a sofa across from me. I’m surprised that his presence appears almost demure as I wasn’t expecting that. He sits as if he doesn’t want to take up too much space and doesn’t move.) So nice to meet you. I know that you are so admired by many of the musicians whom I know. I’m not really familiar with your work or your life on earth, so I’m very interested to hear whatever you might want to share with us.

Marc: That’s why he has come to talk with us and let other people understand who he was then, what he is doing now and to pass along any messages that he might have.

Diane: Marc…why don’t you get started with some questions.

Marc: Jimi….did you have any specific reasons for talking with us today? Of course, we are thrilled but did you have your own reasons that you can share?

Jimi: Yes Marc I did. Since leaving the earth, I think there are some misconceptions about me and the life style I had.

Marc: How so?

Jimi: Well I think that the vast majority of people think that I was just a drug induced genius or psychotic whatever your viewpoint might be. I guess it’s no secret that I did drugs, in fact, that’s what finally did me in but that wasn’t my main purpose in coming down there. Luckily I think my music still surpasses the way I passed. Sometimes when rock legends pass over young, all people remember is how it happened – like Kurt Cobain and Jim Morrison. Marc, you were probably one of the few rock stars who didn’t die of a drug related cause.

Marc: No I didn’t…but it was violent in its own way. Luckily I didn’t feel anything. I had gotten over the drugs and didn’t want to leave that way. I knew a car was going to do me in. So what do you want people to remember then most about you?

Jimi: My love for my music. The intensity for which I strove to perfect every solo. They came from within – that is what I was sharing. I wasn’t the outgoing personality type – wasn’t free and easy. I was intense. I was under the misconception at times that in order to really dig deep within, I had to be in another form of consciousness – outside of myself. Now I know it would have been better to stay sober to really reach who I was, yet I suppose my music wouldn’t have been the same.

Diane: We have spoken to a few artists who have passed over from their lives at a young age. Did you plan it that way?

Jimi: Well…the light was just burning out. Those intense lives where you give literally part of your soul to make a difference – reach millions of people – sometimes it just gets to be too much. Early exit points are often taken.

Marc: When you look back at that life, what do you think were your best moments and worst?

Jimi: My music family was part of the best. They were the only constants in that life. I met some great people as well as wonderful artists whom I learned from and was inspired by. I know it seems like I was the inspiration for so many other people…and yeah that was planned but I had heroes as well. The worst times were the drugs and all the destruction – the guitars – the overacting. It was really just an insecure person trying to deal with the fame and being a musical genius at the same time. Hell..I knew I wasn’t going to be there long. I knew it was going to be a crazy life. I was there to inspire. I wasn’t going to be the 9 to 5 office worker. That was never going to happen. I wanted a crazy life and that’s what I had.

Marc: What did you enjoy the most?

Jimi: Creating. It was a marvelous feeling to be so inspired – something else took over and it worked through my hands – something other worldly.

Marc: Do you know what that was now?

Jimi: My motivation was wanting to inspire others yet it was on a very personal level. When I performed, although it could and usually was in front of thousands, I felt like it was just a personal thing for me. Like I said, I wasn’t outgoing. I kept it all inside. My music was a way of sharing part of me that most people wouldn’t know otherwise.

Marc: What have you been doing since you passed over?

Jimi: Well, it’s probably hard to believe for most people but I’m not really the guy now who is so intense and withdrawn. I’m really quite open and like to be involved. I still get 100% involved with things that inspire me. I’m really proud of the fact that I left such a legacy even though most of it unfortunately was in a drug induced haze. I regret that I couldn’t pull myself out of that but the music man…wouldn’t have been the same. It is what it is. I don’t regret going early.

Marc: Anything else that you would like to share with our readers?

Jimi: Yeah…look for something that inspires you – even if it’s a small spark of something and let it grow. Don’t say that you aren’t creative – use that part of yourself to share with others even if you find it hard to bring it out. I was inspired by so many amazing musicians who also inspired Marc – so that was the theme for that life – inspiration through adversity.

Marc: Do you think that you would have been able to do more without the life style that you had? I know that I went through some tough years myself.

Jimi: Well, I just don’t see that life would have gone any differently. I guess that I could have tackled all my demons, but I just wasn’t going to be doing it that time. I’ve had other lives where I’ve created through different ways – many with hardships. Hey I’m still selling records – people still remember my music. It’s how I wanted it to be.

Marc: All right then. Thanks Jimi for taking the time to chat with us.

Jimi: You are welcome Marc. I enjoyed doing this. Maybe we’ll meet up again soon?

Marc: I’m sure we will. We should start our own Rock and Roll Hall of Fame here. You’re in the one on earth aren’t you?

Jimi: Yeah I think I am – aren’t you?

Marc: No they don’t like the British is the rumour I’ve heard.

Jimi: Oh!

© Bolan-Beaty Boogie

December 2nd, 2016


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